As Billy encounters Trout, a Sci-Fi writer he had read about many times, and heads off towards his home for a party, where Trout begins to talk with a lady called Maggie. He jokes around with her, and comments, "That's right, and I'm not the only one who's listening. God is listening, too. And on Judgement Day he's going to tell you all the things you said and did. If it turns out they're bad things instead of good things, that's too bad for you, because you'll burn forever and ever. The burning never stops hurting." pg 172. If this was to happen, according to Dante she would end up in one of the circles of Hell. But in which circle would she end up?
It said that she was a cautious women, which took strict measures before doing anything. Although it is very uncertain which sins she might have committed, you can still infer with very little precision of what her sin was by looking at what people thought of her, "She was a dull person, but a sensational invitation to make babies." pg 171, and at her reaction after what Trout said, "Poor Maggie turned gray." pg 172. From the first passage you could say that she could go to the 8th circle in Bolgia 1. This is where all the seducers would go, where they would be whipped by demons while walking eternally across from the panderers. She might belong here because it said that she had many times been with a man, and had never had babies because she protected herself. This is the attitude of a seducer, and it becomes even more convincing once she reacts in the matter she did after trout told her of the consecuences she would have to go through once she died.