Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dantes Inferno and the Wayuu

The Wayuu are a know tribe located in Colombia. They have a series of beliefs, including what happens to their people when they die. Although the Wayuu believe that once they die they become roaming spirits that focus on talking to people in their dreams as well as kill people and animals, if taken into the Hell that Dante has created, they would would be set in one of 2 circles. For the roaming part they would have the first circle of Hell, which is considered to be on the outside of Hell itself, called the Opportunists. In this circle the people that get to it are here because they were neither good nor bad, but simply decided to be themselves, which brings them the sentence of roaming around for all eternity while trying to get a banner. Roaming around is what the Wayuu's say their dead do, so they might as well belong to the first circle, but the Wayuu's also state that their dead go around killing, which could also mean they could belong to the fourth circle, where they are sentenced to wage war between the Hoarders and the Wasters. These souls are condemned because of their greed of money. What this proposes is that people from the Wayuu, using Dantes model, that were greedy and that at the same time had no interest in taking a side are the ones that turn out being the ones they know and describe in their traditions, roaming around and killing men.

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