"For many weeks there had been no executive, no sales, no income. But how we love looking fine in the eyes of the world- how beautiful are the old when they are doing a snow job! It's Dad, thought Willhelm, who is the salesman. He's selling me." pg 11. In Saul Bellow's Seize the Day, Willhelm's dad tries to make out of Willhelm, the main character, something he's not. Willhelm notice's it and therefore says that the true meaning of his father concealing the truth is intended to make his father look good. Could Willhelm's father be the cause of his actual situation? A father making up things about his son while in front of him could have a serious effect on the sons perspective of the father, and of himself. Thinking about it myself alongside my own personal experiences, my father has never invented lies about me to show off, but if he would ever do it, I think it would discourage me from what I want to do with my life. And I bet it wouldn't be true only in my case. When your father has to make something up about you, it's because that's what he considers to be what would be the best case scenario possible. By him making it up, it's also proving you aren't filling the expectations your father had for you in the first place. So the direct effect is a case of unworthiness in the son. His mind begins to change and take decisions based on what he thinks he deserves and should therefore do.
It's not the same if a father is constantly telling you how proud he is of you and at the same time helps you to improve in your weaknesses than one that has to rely on making things up so that people can see him and yourself with 'good' eyes. Maybe this was the case with Willhelm's father, where he had to rely on making stuff up to make him look good. Could it have been that because of his father, Willhelm might have ended up where he is, without a job, insecure, and in a difficult family life without his wife and kids? The most probable answer is yes. If his father would accept him with his likes or dislikes, or maybe even give him support to overcome problems and be proud of all he has achieved, maybe Willhelm's situation would be different. We need to consider when we can help others overcome difficulties, and what the best way to help them gain self confidence is. If we are able to make a person feel he is able to do anything and achieve any goal, there is no doubt he certainly will.