Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tickets Please?

"He was going somewhere, he knew that. And if it was the wrong direction, sooner or later he'd find it out." pg 58. This part of The Compartment in Cathedral is very similar to what happens in two movies. In Mr.Beans Holiday it turns out to be that Mr.Bean ends up making a tour through Europe by trying to get to the french coast. He won a trip to that paradise beach, but ends up getting mixed up with train routes and a little boy. He really has no idea of where he is going, and as well as with Myers in The Compartment, and he doesn't talk any of the languages there, being completely lost sometimes. He also has the dilemma that Myers faced when thinking whether or not he should visit his son or simply bypass it and go somewhere else, since Mr.Bean has to decide whether he goes to his destination at the french coast or tries to help the little boy get back to his father. Any small decision any of them decide to make in this case has a huge effect, since both choices are big changes that could come to the characters life.
Then there's also the movie Eurotrip, having a similar idea to that of The Compartment as well. In Eurotrip Scottie decides to go off to Europe to try and find a German girl with which he has only talked online. He really has no idea of where she is, and goes with some friends to roam Europe however they can and try and find her. Myers doesn't know where he is headed to towards the end of the story, which is mostly the idea in Eurotrip, where they simply go around Europe any way they can getting from place to place. They sometimes end up in places they don't know of, but they go ahead with the oh well attitude and keep roaming around until they get to her. In this case though, its a bit different in terms of the problem that the characters face. With Myers and Mr.Bean the case is about making a really important decision that will affect them greatly in the future, but with Scottie it's mostly a careless trip where they don't care about their actions, but rather on how they will get there.

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