Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Male-Chauvinist

-Hey dear.

-Hey Honey, thanks for coming.

-I'm glad to be here, but tell me, what's the purpose of our meeting?

-Well, Michael, I wanted to talk to you about whats going on in our lives. I wanted to talk about how your relationship with the kids and me is doing. And to tell you the truth, its not going well.

-What? Come on Stacy, we already talked about this. You know I have other responsibilities to take care of. I have a work to go to and a family to sustain.

-I know, its just that your family should be your greatest responsibility, I mean, you've been acting in a way in which we simply cannot stand. And of what I have understood of my readings is that the actions you are performing...

-Oh come on Stacy, don't bring that book up again. You know I read it already, and I know that what I'm doing is perfectly logical.

-No Michael, its not. Dawkin's says you have to decide on what you are going to do, and there are various paths you can choose from. Your kids say you don't spend enough time with them, they complain that you are too entertained by your work and your physical conditioning. And even though the book claims that what you are doing might be an advantage because of what you have or are able to do, its not working at all to keep your family happy.

-Well, if you are going to use the book against me, then I might as well do the same.

-It's not about the book Michael, its about what you are going to do about it.

-Cause you know, I am trying to sustain a family. If I wasn't helping you at all, as your book well states it, I would be considered a "philanderer" instead of a "faithful". I am doing what I can Stacy. You know the stories of all the men who abandon their wives and families and go out with other women. I mean...

-Stop it Michael, I'm not talking about that. Its just that even though you are a loyal husband, you simply aren't spending enough time with your kids, or even with me. You are too interested in doing other things than helping me raise the kids. And yes Michael, it is something in the book as well. Since you already gave your part to make the kids, now you want me to do the rest of the job so that you don't waste your precious time.

-Oh, so now you think I'm a male-chauvinist! Stacy I love you, and I really appreciate what you're doing, but its just that I have some responsibilities to take care of in order for my family to live as comfortable as possible.

-I understand you Michael, its just that you have to make some choices on what your priorities are. The children and I don't care to not live as comfortable as we now do if you are willing to spend more time with us.

-I'm... sorry, Stacy. I really should have thought about the benefits of being with my family instead of looking around for other things I thought would make your lives much better.

-Its ok Michael, that's what talks are for. Now lets go home, the kids are waiting for us to go out for the camp trip.

-Ok, give me a second while I finish this coffee. Would you mind asking for the check?

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